Class Recur

    • Constructor Detail

      • Recur

        public Recur​(String aValue)
              throws ParseException
        Constructs a new instance from the specified string value.
        aValue - a string representation of a recurrence.
        ParseException - thrown when the specified string contains an invalid representation of an UNTIL date value
        IllegalArgumentException - where the recurrence string contains an unrecognised token
      • Recur

        public Recur​(String aValue,
                     boolean experimentalTokensAllowed)
              throws ParseException
        Constructs a new recurrence from the specified string value.
        aValue - a string representation of a recurrence.
        experimentalTokensAllowed - allow unrecognised tokens in the recurrence
      • Recur

        public Recur​(String frequency,
                     Date until)
        frequency - a recurrence frequency string
        until - maximum recurrence date
      • Recur

        public Recur​(Recur.Frequency frequency,
                     Date until)
        frequency - a recurrence frequency string
        until - maximum recurrence date
      • Recur

        public Recur​(String frequency,
                     int count)
        frequency - a recurrence frequency string
        count - maximum recurrence count
      • Recur

        public Recur​(Recur.Frequency frequency,
                     int count)
        frequency - a recurrence frequency string
        count - maximum recurrence count
    • Method Detail

      • getDayList

        public final WeekDayList getDayList()
        Accessor for the configured BYDAY list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the dayList.
      • getHourList

        public final NumberList getHourList()
        Accessor for the configured BYHOUR list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the hourList.
      • getMinuteList

        public final NumberList getMinuteList()
        Accessor for the configured BYMINUTE list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the minuteList.
      • getMonthDayList

        public final NumberList getMonthDayList()
        Accessor for the configured BYMONTHDAY list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the monthDayList.
      • getMonthList

        public final MonthList getMonthList()
        Accessor for the configured BYMONTH list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the monthList.
      • getSecondList

        public final NumberList getSecondList()
        Accessor for the configured BYSECOND list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the secondList.
      • getSetPosList

        public final NumberList getSetPosList()
        Accessor for the configured BYSETPOS list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the setPosList.
      • getWeekNoList

        public final NumberList getWeekNoList()
        Accessor for the configured BYWEEKNO list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the weekNoList.
      • getYearDayList

        public final NumberList getYearDayList()
        Accessor for the configured BYYEARDAY list. NOTE: Any changes to the returned list will have no effect on the recurrence rule processing.
        Returns the yearDayList.
      • getCount

        public final int getCount()
        Returns the count or -1 if the rule does not have a count.
      • getExperimentalValues

        public final Map<String,​String> getExperimentalValues()
        Returns the experimentalValues.
      • getFrequency

        public final Recur.Frequency getFrequency()
        Returns the frequency.
      • getSkip

        public Recur.Skip getSkip()
        leap month skip behaviour.
      • getInterval

        public final int getInterval()
        Returns the interval or -1 if the rule does not have an interval defined.
      • getUntil

        public final Date getUntil()
        Returns the until or null if there is none.
      • getWeekStartDay

        public final WeekDay.Day getWeekStartDay()
        Returns the weekStartDay or null if there is none.
      • setWeekStartDay

        public final void setWeekStartDay​(WeekDay.Day weekStartDay)
        will be removed in a future version to support immutable pattern.
        weekStartDay - The weekStartDay to set.
      • getDates

        public final DateList getDates​(Date periodStart,
                                       Date periodEnd,
                                       Value value)
        Returns a list of start dates in the specified period represented by this recur. Any date fields not specified by this recur are retained from the period start, and as such you should ensure the period start is initialised correctly.
        periodStart - the start of the period
        periodEnd - the end of the period
        value - the type of dates to generate (i.e. date/date-time)
        a list of dates
      • getDates

        public final DateList getDates​(Date seed,
                                       Period period,
                                       Value value)
        Convenience method for retrieving recurrences in a specified period.
        seed - a seed date for generating recurrence instances
        period - the period of returned recurrence dates
        value - type of dates to generate
        a list of dates
      • getDates

        public final DateList getDates​(Date seed,
                                       Date periodStart,
                                       Date periodEnd,
                                       Value value)
        Returns a list of start dates in the specified period represented by this recur. This method includes a base date argument, which indicates the start of the fist occurrence of this recurrence. The base date is used to inject default values to return a set of dates in the correct format. For example, if the search start date (start) is Wed, Mar 23, 12:19PM, but the recurrence is Mon - Fri, 9:00AM - 5:00PM, the start dates returned should all be at 9:00AM, and not 12:19PM.
        seed - the start date of this Recurrence's first instance
        periodStart - the start of the period
        periodEnd - the end of the period
        value - the type of dates to generate (i.e. date/date-time)
        a list of dates represented by this recur instance
      • getDates

        public final DateList getDates​(Date seed,
                                       Date periodStart,
                                       Date periodEnd,
                                       Value value,
                                       int maxCount)
        Returns a list of start dates in the specified period represented by this recur. This method includes a base date argument, which indicates the start of the fist occurrence of this recurrence. The base date is used to inject default values to return a set of dates in the correct format. For example, if the search start date (start) is Wed, Mar 23, 12:19PM, but the recurrence is Mon - Fri, 9:00AM - 5:00PM, the start dates returned should all be at 9:00AM, and not 12:19PM.
        seed - the start date of this Recurrence's first instance
        periodStart - the start of the period
        periodEnd - the end of the period
        value - the type of dates to generate (i.e. date/date-time)
        maxCount - limits the number of instances returned. Up to one years worth extra may be returned. Less than 0 means no limit
        a list of dates represented by this recur instance
      • getNextDate

        public final Date getNextDate​(Date seed,
                                      Date startDate)
        Returns the the next date of this recurrence given a seed date and start date. The seed date indicates the start of the fist occurrence of this recurrence. The start date is the starting date to search for the next recurrence. Return null if there is no occurrence date after start date.
        seed - the start date of this Recurrence's first instance
        startDate - the date to start the search
        the next date in the recurrence series after startDate
      • setCount

        public final void setCount​(int count)
        will be removed in a future version to support immutable pattern.
        count - The count to set.
      • setFrequency

        public final void setFrequency​(String frequency)
        will be removed in a future version to support immutable pattern.
        frequency - The frequency to set.
      • setInterval

        public final void setInterval​(int interval)
        will be removed in a future version to support immutable pattern.
        interval - The interval to set.
      • setUntil

        public final void setUntil​(Date until)
        will be removed in a future version to support immutable pattern.
        until - The until to set.