Class DtEnd

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Property>, FluentProperty

    public class DtEnd
    extends DateProperty

    Created: [Apr 6, 2004]

    Defines a DTEND iCalendar component property.
 Date/Time End
            Property Name: DTEND
            Purpose: This property specifies the date and time that a calendar
            component ends.
            Value Type: The default value type is DATE-TIME. The value type can
            be set to a DATE value type.
            Property Parameters: Non-standard, value data type, time zone
            identifier property parameters can be specified on this property.
            Conformance: This property can be specified in "VEVENT" or
            "VFREEBUSY" calendar components.
            Description: Within the "VEVENT" calendar component, this property
            defines the date and time by which the event ends. The value MUST be
            later in time than the value of the "DTSTART" property.
            Within the "VFREEBUSY" calendar component, this property defines the
            end date and time for the free or busy time information. The time
            MUST be specified in the UTC time format. The value MUST be later in
            time than the value of the "DTSTART" property.
            Format Definition: The property is defined by the following notation:
              dtend      = "DTEND" dtendparam":" dtendval CRLF
              dtendparam = *(
                         ; the following are optional,
                         ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                         (";" "VALUE" "=" ("DATE-TIME" / "DATE")) /
                         (";" tzidparam) /
                         ; the following is optional,
                         ; and MAY occur more than once
                         (";" xparam)
              dtendval   = date-time / date
              ;Value MUST match value type


          // construct an end date from a start date and a duration..
          DtStart start = ...
          Dur oneWeek = new Dur("1W");
          DtEnd end = new DtEnd(oneWeek.getTime(start.getDate());
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd()
        Default constructor. The time value is initialised to the time of instantiation.
      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd​(TimeZone timezone)
        Creates a new DTEND property initialised with the specified timezone.
        timezone - initial timezone
      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd​(String value)
              throws ParseException
        Creates a new instance initialised with the parsed value.
        value - the DTEND value string to parse
        ParseException - where the specified string is not a valid DTEND value representation
      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd​(String value,
                     TimeZone timezone)
              throws ParseException
        Creates a new DTEND property initialised with the specified timezone and value.
        value - a string representation of a DTEND value
        timezone - initial timezone
        ParseException - where the specified value is not a valid string representation
      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd​(ParameterList aList,
                     String aValue)
              throws ParseException
        aList - a list of parameters for this component
        aValue - a value string for this component
        ParseException - when the specified string is not a valid date/date-time representation
      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd​(Date aDate)
        Constructor. Date or Date-Time format is determined based on the presence of a VALUE parameter.
        aDate - a date
      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd​(Date time,
                     boolean utc)
        Constructs a new DtEnd with the specified time.
        time - the time of the DtEnd
        utc - specifies whether time is UTC
      • DtEnd

        public DtEnd​(ParameterList aList,
                     Date aDate)
        Constructor. Date or Date-Time format is determined based on the presence of a VALUE parameter.
        aList - a list of parameters for this component
        aDate - a date