Class Status

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Property>, FluentProperty

    public class Status
    extends Property

    Created: [Apr 6, 2004]

    Defines a STATUS iCalendar component property.
            Property Name: STATUS
            Purpose: This property defines the overall status or confirmation for
            the calendar component.
            Value Type: TEXT
            Property Parameters: Non-standard property parameters can be
            specified on this property.
            Conformance: This property can be specified in "VEVENT", "VTODO" or
            "VJOURNAL" calendar components.
            Description: In a group scheduled calendar component, the property is
            used by the "Organizer" to provide a confirmation of the event to the
            "Attendees". For example in a "VEVENT" calendar component, the
            "Organizer" can indicate that a meeting is tentative, confirmed or
            cancelled. In a "VTODO" calendar component, the "Organizer" can
            indicate that an action item needs action, is completed, is in
            process or being worked on, or has been cancelled. In a "VJOURNAL"
            calendar component, the "Organizer" can indicate that a journal entry
            is draft, final or has been cancelled or removed.
            Format Definition: The property is defined by the following notation:
              status     = "STATUS" statparam] ":" statvalue CRLF
              statparam  = *(";" xparam)
              statvalue  = "TENTATIVE"           ;Indicates event is
                         / "CONFIRMED"           ;Indicates event is
                         / "CANCELLED"           ;Indicates event was
                 ;Status values for a "VEVENT"
              statvalue  =/ "NEEDS-ACTION"       ;Indicates to-do needs action.
                         / "COMPLETED"           ;Indicates to-do completed.
                         / "IN-PROCESS"          ;Indicates to-do in process of
                         / "CANCELLED"           ;Indicates to-do was cancelled.
                 ;Status values for "VTODO".
              statvalue  =/ "DRAFT"              ;Indicates journal is draft.
                         / "FINAL"               ;Indicates journal is final.
                         / "CANCELLED"           ;Indicates journal is removed.
                 ;Status values for "VJOURNAL".
            Example: The following is an example of this property for a "VEVENT"
            calendar component:
            The following is an example of this property for a "VTODO" calendar
            The following is an example of this property for a "VJOURNAL"
            calendar component:
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final Status VEVENT_TENTATIVE
        Tentative VEVENT status.

        public static final Status VEVENT_CONFIRMED
        Confirmed VEVENT status.

        public static final Status VEVENT_CANCELLED
        Cancelled VEVENT status.

        public static final Status VTODO_NEEDS_ACTION
        Tentative VTODO status.

        public static final Status VTODO_COMPLETED
        Completed VTODO status.

        public static final Status VTODO_IN_PROCESS
        In-process VTODO status.

        public static final Status VTODO_CANCELLED
        Cancelled VTODO status.

        public static final Status VJOURNAL_DRAFT
        Draft VJOURNAL status.

        public static final Status VJOURNAL_FINAL
        Final VJOURNAL status.

        public static final Status VJOURNAL_CANCELLED
        Cancelled VJOURNAL status.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Status

        public Status()
        Default constructor.
      • Status

        public Status​(String aValue)
        aValue - a value string for this component
      • Status

        public Status​(ParameterList aList,
                      String aValue)
        aList - a list of parameters for this component
        aValue - a value string for this component