Class IndexedComponentList<T extends Component>

  • public class IndexedComponentList<T extends Component>
    extends Object
    $Id$ Created on 4/02/2006 Provides indexing of components on a specific property.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexedComponentList

        public IndexedComponentList​(List<T> list,
                                    String propertyName)
        Creates a new instance indexed on properties with the specified name.
        list - a list of components
        propertyName - the name of the properties to index on
    • Method Detail

      • getComponents

        public List<T> getComponents​(String propertyValue)
        Returns a list of components containing a property with the specified value.
        propertyValue - the value of the property contained in the returned components
        a component list
      • getComponent

        public T getComponent​(String propertyValue)
        Returns the first component containing a property with the specified value.
        propertyValue - the value of the property identified in the returned component
        a component or null if no component is found containing a property with the specified value