Class TimeZoneRegistryImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TimeZoneRegistryImpl
    extends Object
    implements TimeZoneRegistry

    Created on 18/09/2005

    The default implementation of a TimeZoneRegistry. This implementation will search the classpath for applicable VTimeZone definitions used to back the provided TimeZone instances.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeZoneRegistryImpl

        public TimeZoneRegistryImpl()
        Default constructor.
      • TimeZoneRegistryImpl

        public TimeZoneRegistryImpl​(String resourcePrefix)
        Creates a new instance using the specified resource prefix.
        resourcePrefix - a prefix prepended to classpath resource lookups for default timezones
      • TimeZoneRegistryImpl

        public TimeZoneRegistryImpl​(String resourcePrefix,
                                    boolean lenientTzResolution)
    • Method Detail

      • register

        public final void register​(TimeZone timezone)
        Registers a new timezone for use with iCalendar objects. If a timezone with the same identifier is already registered this timezone will take precedence.
        Specified by:
        register in interface TimeZoneRegistry
        timezone - a timezone to be registered for use with iCalendar objects
      • register

        public final void register​(TimeZone timezone,
                                   boolean update)
        Registers a new timezone for use with iCalendar objects. If a timezone with the same identifier is already registered this timezone will take precedence.
        Specified by:
        register in interface TimeZoneRegistry
        timezone - a timezone to be registered for use with iCalendar objects
        update - attempt to update the definition from any specified TZURL property if true
      • clear

        public final void clear()
        Clears all registered timezones.
        Specified by:
        clear in interface TimeZoneRegistry
      • getTimeZone

        public final TimeZone getTimeZone​(String id)
        Returns a timezone with the specified identifier.
        Specified by:
        getTimeZone in interface TimeZoneRegistry
        id - a timezone identifier
        a timezone matching the specified identifier. If no timezone is registered with the specified identifier null is returned.