Class VTimeZone

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, ComponentContainer<Observance>, FluentComponent, PropertyContainer

    public class VTimeZone
    extends CalendarComponent
    implements ComponentContainer<Observance>
    $Id$ [Apr 5, 2004] Defines an iCalendar VTIMEZONE component.
           4.6.5 Time Zone Component
              Component Name: VTIMEZONE
              Purpose: Provide a grouping of component properties that defines a
              time zone.
              Formal Definition: A "VTIMEZONE" calendar component is defined by the
              following notation:
                timezonec  = "BEGIN" ":" "VTIMEZONE" CRLF
                             ; 'tzid' is required, but MUST NOT occur more
                             ; than once
                           tzid /
                             ; 'last-mod' and 'tzurl' are optional,
                           but MUST NOT occur more than once
                           last-mod / tzurl /
                             ; one of 'standardc' or 'daylightc' MUST occur
                           ..; and each MAY occur more than once.
                           standardc / daylightc /
                           ; the following is optional,
                           ; and MAY occur more than once
                             "END" ":" "VTIMEZONE" CRLF
                standardc  = "BEGIN" ":" "STANDARD" CRLF
                             "END" ":" "STANDARD" CRLF
                daylightc  = "BEGIN" ":" "DAYLIGHT" CRLF
                             "END" ":" "DAYLIGHT" CRLF
                tzprop     = 3*(
                           ; the following are each REQUIRED,
                           ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                           dtstart / tzoffsetto / tzoffsetfrom /
                           ; the following are optional,
                           ; and MAY occur more than once
                           comment / rdate / rrule / tzname / x-prop
    See Also:
    Serialized Form