Class VJournal

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, ComponentContainer<Component>, ComponentListAccessor<Component>, FluentComponent, PropertyContainer, PropertyListAccessor, RecurrenceSupport<VJournal>

    public class VJournal
    extends CalendarComponent
    implements ComponentContainer<Component>, RecurrenceSupport<VJournal>
    $Id$ [Apr 5, 2004] Defines an iCalendar VJOURNAL component.
        4.6.3 Journal Component
           Component Name: VJOURNAL
           Purpose: Provide a grouping of component properties that describe a
           journal entry.
           Formal Definition: A "VJOURNAL" calendar component is defined by the
           following notation:
             journalc   = "BEGIN" ":" "VJOURNAL" CRLF
                          "END" ":" "VJOURNAL" CRLF
             jourprop   = *(
                        ; the following are optional,
                        ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                        class / created / description / dtstart / dtstamp /
                        last-mod / organizer / recurid / seq / status /
                        summary / uid / url /
                        ; the following are optional,
                        ; and MAY occur more than once
                        attach / attendee / categories / comment /
                        contact / exdate / exrule / related / rdate /
                        rrule / rstatus / x-prop
    Example 1 - Creating a journal associated with an event:
     DtStart meetingDate = (DtStart) meeting.getProperties().getProperty(
     VJournal minutes = new VJournal(meetingDate.getTime(),
             "Progress Meeting - Minutes");
     // add timezone information..
     TzId tzParam = meetingDate.getParameters().getParmaeter(Parameter.TZID);
     // add description..
     minutes.add(new Description("1. Agenda.., 2. Action Items.."));
    See Also:
    Serialized Form