Class VEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, ChangeManagementPropertyAccessor, ComponentContainer<Component>, ComponentListAccessor<Component>, DateTimePropertyAccessor, DescriptivePropertyAccessor, FluentComponent, PropertyContainer, PropertyListAccessor, RecurrenceSupport<VEvent>, RelationshipPropertyAccessor

    public class VEvent
    extends CalendarComponent
    implements ComponentContainer<Component>, RecurrenceSupport<VEvent>, DescriptivePropertyAccessor, ChangeManagementPropertyAccessor, DateTimePropertyAccessor, RelationshipPropertyAccessor
    $Id$ [Apr 5, 2004] Defines an iCalendar VEVENT component.
           4.6.1 Event Component
              Component Name: "VEVENT"
              Purpose: Provide a grouping of component properties that describe an
              Format Definition: A "VEVENT" calendar component is defined by the
              following notation:
                eventc     = "BEGIN" ":" "VEVENT" CRLF
                             eventprop *alarmc
                             "END" ":" "VEVENT" CRLF
                eventprop  = *(
                           ; the following are optional,
                           ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                           class / created / description / dtstart / geo /
                           last-mod / location / organizer / priority /
                           dtstamp / seq / status / summary / transp /
                           uid / url / recurid /
                           ; either 'dtend' or 'duration' may appear in
                           ; a 'eventprop', but 'dtend' and 'duration'
                           ; MUST NOT occur in the same 'eventprop'
                           dtend / duration /
                           ; the following are optional,
                           ; and MAY occur more than once
                           attach / attendee / categories / comment /
                           contact / exdate / exrule / rstatus / related /
                           resources / rdate / rrule / x-prop
    Example 1 - Creating a new all-day event:
     java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
     cal.set(java.util.Calendar.MONTH, java.util.Calendar.DECEMBER);
     cal.set(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 25);
     VEvent christmas = new VEvent(cal.getTime(), "Christmas Day");
     // initialise as an all-day event..
     // add timezone information..
     VTimeZone tz = VTimeZone.getDefault();
     TzId tzParam = new TzId(tz.getProperties().getProperty(Property.TZID)
    Example 2 - Creating an event of one (1) hour duration:
     java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
     // tomorrow..
     cal.add(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
     cal.set(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 9);
     cal.set(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE, 30);
     VEvent meeting = new VEvent(cal.getTime(), 1000 * 60 * 60, "Progress Meeting");
     // add timezone information..
     VTimeZone tz = VTimeZone.getDefault();
     TzId tzParam = new TzId(tz.getProperties().getProperty(Property.TZID)
    Example 3 - Retrieve a list of periods representing a recurring event in a specified range:
     Calendar weekday9AM = Calendar.getInstance();
     weekday9AM.set(2005, Calendar.MARCH, 7, 9, 0, 0);
     weekday9AM.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
     Calendar weekday5PM = Calendar.getInstance();
     weekday5PM.set(2005, Calendar.MARCH, 7, 17, 0, 0);
     weekday5PM.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
     // Do the recurrence until December 31st.
     Calendar untilCal = Calendar.getInstance();
     untilCal.set(2005, Calendar.DECEMBER, 31);
     untilCal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
     // 9:00AM to 5:00PM Rule
     Recur recur = new Recur(Recur.WEEKLY, untilCal.getTime());
     RRule rrule = new RRule(recur);
     Summary summary = new Summary("TEST EVENTS THAT HAPPEN 9-5 MON-FRI");
     weekdayNineToFiveEvents = new VEvent();
     weekdayNineToFiveEvents.add(new DtStart(weekday9AM.getTime()));
     weekdayNineToFiveEvents.add(new DtEnd(weekday5PM.getTime()));
     // Test Start 04/01/2005, End One month later.
     // Query Calendar Start and End Dates.
     Calendar queryStartDate = Calendar.getInstance();
     queryStartDate.set(2005, Calendar.APRIL, 1, 14, 47, 0);
     queryStartDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
     Calendar queryEndDate = Calendar.getInstance();
     queryEndDate.set(2005, Calendar.MAY, 1, 11, 15, 0);
     queryEndDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
     // This range is monday to friday every three weeks, starting from
     // March 7th 2005, which means for our query dates we need
     // April 18th through to the 22nd.
     PeriodList periods = weekdayNineToFiveEvents.getPeriods(queryStartDate
             .getTime(), queryEndDate.getTime());
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • VEvent

        public VEvent()
        Default constructor.
      • VEvent

        public VEvent​(boolean initialise)
      • VEvent

        public VEvent​(PropertyList properties)
        properties - a list of properties
      • VEvent

        public VEvent​(PropertyList properties,
                      ComponentList<VAlarm> alarms)
        properties - a list of properties
        alarms - a list of alarms
      • VEvent

        public VEvent​(Temporal start,
                      String summary)
        Constructs a new VEVENT instance starting at the specified time with the specified summary.
        start - the start date of the new event
        summary - the event summary
      • VEvent

        public VEvent​(Temporal start,
                      Temporal end,
                      String summary)
        Constructs a new VEVENT instance starting and ending at the specified times with the specified summary.
        start - the start date of the new event
        end - the end date of the new event
        summary - the event summary
      • VEvent

        public VEvent​(Temporal start,
                      TemporalAmount duration,
                      String summary)
        Constructs a new VEVENT instance starting at the specified times, for the specified duration, with the specified summary.
        start - the start date of the new event
        duration - the duration of the new event
        summary - the event summary
    • Method Detail

      • getAlarms

        public final List<VAlarm> getAlarms()
        Returns the list of alarms for this event.
        a component list
      • getConsumedTime

        public final <T extends TemporalList<Period<T>> getConsumedTime​(Period<T> range)
        Returns a normalised list of periods representing the consumed time for this event.
        range - the range to check for consumed time
        a normalised list of periods representing consumed time for this event
      • getConsumedTime

        public final <T extends TemporalList<Period<T>> getConsumedTime​(Period<T> range,
                                                                          boolean normalise)
        Returns a list of periods representing the consumed time for this event in the specified range. Note that the returned list may contain a single period for non-recurring components or multiple periods for recurring components. If no time is consumed by this event an empty list is returned.
        range - the range to check for consumed time
        normalise - indicate whether the returned list of periods should be normalised
        a list of periods representing consumed time for this event
      • getOccurrence

        public final <T extends TemporalVEvent getOccurrence​(T date)
        Returns a single occurrence of a recurring event.
        date - a date on which the occurence should occur
        a single non-recurring event instance for the specified date, or null if the event doesn't occur on the specified date
      • getEndDate

        public final Optional<DtEnd<?>> getEndDate()
        Returns the end date of this event. Where an end date is not available it will be derived from the event duration.
        a DtEnd instance, or null if one cannot be derived
      • getEndDate

        public final Optional<DtEnd<?>> getEndDate​(boolean deriveFromDuration)
        Convenience method to pull the DTEND out of the property list. If DTEND was not specified, use the DTSTART + DURATION to calculate it.
        deriveFromDuration - specifies whether to derive an end date from the event duration where an end date is not found
        The end for this VEVENT.